Homemade Survival Gear
If you are planning on an outdoor adventure, you need to be prepared with survival gear. However, it is not necessary to buys all of the gears that you will need. Many of these items, can be homemade without spending a lot of your hard-earned money.
One of the basic survival skills is building a fire. Common is the homemade fire starters and kindling. My preferred one is the Vaseline-covered cotton ball. These will burn extremely hot for about five minutes or so. Drier lint is also a good tinder but burns very quickly, so be sure to have some fine kindling that will catch fire easily.

Homemade Survival Fire
Burn fabric, fatwood, and steelwool are additional alternatives. But Vaseline-coated cotton balls in my opinion are the best options for making a quickfire.
It is virtually impossible to make a water purifier at home. But you can make homemade water filters that will improve the taste and clarity of your collected water. You can then sterilize to neutralize any pathogens. Charcoal from aquariums and clean material crammed in PVC or clear elastic pipes could be used to sifter dirt, sediment, algae, and mold spores from water and also reduce any chemical contaminants.
Then all you will need to do is deactivate (kill) the pathogens. To kill the pathogens, a UV sterilization device such as the SteriPen would be a quick option or you could just boil the water or disinfect using iodine or chlorine dioxide (bleach or specifically packed tablets/drops) The homemade water purifiers I’ve made were assembled from other store-bought components.
For example, I have mixed and matched components from different systems to come up with something better suited to my needs, but the purification filter itself was always something commercially available.
Candles (light)
You can make emergency candles in Altoids tins or other metal containers with a lid. Here is what you can do. Cut a strip of corrugated cardboard so the width is slightly shorter than the height of the container and then roll up the strip and put it in the container until it’s packed. Then pour on melted wax and allow it to cool. Stick a match striker and five stormproof matches inside the lid, close it up and seal the lid with electrical tape.
Alcohol stoves are popular DIY projects. These are made from empty aluminum beverages or food cans. There are many different designs, the one I’ve had the most success with is the simple “Super Cat” can stove. Homemade pots, pot stands, and windscreens follow this theme.
First Aid Kits
I put together custom-made first aid kits and survival kits for friends, family, and myself. Each Spring I order materials of separate packages of OTC medications, ointments, bandages, etc., and restock old kits and make up new kits designed specifically for high-risk outdoors activities.
Bags (Bugout)
If you are gifted with the skills of sewing, creating, or altering sacks, purses, bags, and clothing, then you can build your own bugout survival bag. Everyone has their own ideas and preferences about how and where to carry gear and supplies. I find that the commercial offerings are always a compromise and expensive at that.
Other things that you can do.
You can build your own LED flashlights and lanterns. You can make your own knives. You ca make your own Homemade paracord bracelets, straps, and belts. You can make your own jerky, dehydrated foods, even complete dehydrated meals.